One of the tenants of happiness is stepping outside your day to day routine, and looking at life from a new perspective. Art provides that window.
Purchasing an Discount Oil Paintings by an emerging or established artist is generally a very sound investment. From a purely financial standpoint, a good painting should appreciate in value over time as the artist’s standing and reputation grows. How much the painting appreciates depends on the level of accomplishment the artist achieves. But even if it only appreciates a little, it’s still a better investment than most everything else in your life, which requires repeated replacement or constant consumption.
Financial considerations aside, the real reason fine art is a great investment is about quality of life. Money can’t buy happiness, but a great painting can generate feelings of happiness, calm, nostalgia, remembrance, joy, and more each time you look at it in your home.
A great painting can light up a room. It occupies its own space. And no it doesn’t need to match your couch or decor. It simply needs to speak to you, to give you a moment to pause and think about what’s important in life. Most of the trappings of our daily lives are just accessories -- clothes go out of fashion, cars break down, furniture wears out. But a great painting continues to live for generations.
I am always stunned when I visit a nice home with no original art on the walls. The average person thinks nothing of spending thousands of dollars on all the ‘stuff’ that depreciates, but never really considers what a great value original art really is. For less than the cost of a new computer, or spring wardrobe, you can acquire an original oil painting that will enrich your life and quite possibly appreciate in value over time.
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