The business of oil painting reproductions has been around for some time, and one might argue it's not really hurting artists like Paul Cezanne or other painters who are no longer with us. Instead, it's allowing art enthusiasts on a budget to admire a work of fine art -- albeit a fake -- in their own home.
Elaine Murphy, an artist from Naples, Florida whose reproduced work is being sold on the site, was not alerted to the organization's decision to use her images, according to an article by Naples News. And these reproduced versions of Murphy's paintings are effectively competing with the original works she's currently making and selling at justifiably higher prices.
Murphy and a Naples law firm quoted in the article claim that the reproductions
Discount Oil Paintings fall under intellectual property theft, and have embarked on steps to stop the forgeries from being sold. Murphy has contacted the FBI and a nongovernmental group, Legal Art, and is waiting for both complaints to be filed. Lauren Gersny and Pia Lestrade-Dahms from Legal Art told HuffPost Arts in a joint e-mail that about half of their cases are intellectual property issues, and the number seems to be growing.
Oil Paintings-Supplier does admit in their "About Us" section to using "more than one hundred skillful and experienced painters" to create the various oil paintings. They even promise to refund a remarkable 110% of the costs if the works do not meet customer expectations. Yet the individual descriptions for each painting make no notice of the fact that the canvases are reproductions, stating in the product description that they are "100% hand-painted oil paintings," complete with the artists' signatures.
Painting is one of the most ancient forms of artistic expression in the world. But do you think art reproduction services are right for you? Copying paintings belonging to art?
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