Oil painting reproductions are an affordable way to display replicas of favorite works of art in the home or workplace. A large number of companies in the US provide reproductions of almost any work of art at a surprisingly affordable price. A good reproduction can fool even the trained eye, and is far more appealing and visually satisfying than a paper reprint of any work of art.
Customers can usually order a reproduction in a range of sizes, with larger sizes being more expensive. Once a particular reproduction is requested, an artist who is skilled in the style of the original painter starts creating the reproduction with oil paints on a fresh canvas. Many artists use measurements and a grid system to help them ensure that the scale of the reproduction faithfully follows that of the original painting.
Once the artist begins to paint, the canvas is completed in layers. Most artists wait for one layer to dry before painting the next layer. Creating a reproduction is therefore a time-consuming process, and an order may take two to three weeks to complete. Before shipping the finished painting, some companies send the customer a photograph of the painting for approval, and make any suggested changes at no extra cost.
Oil painting reproductions are an investment in cultural values, art appreciation and generational family traditions, as well as a beautiful addition to your present home or office. In the here and now, our oil painting reproductions will bring a sense of refinement to your home or office and are sure to impress friends, family and business associates alike.
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