If you are thinking about decorating your home, acquiring an oil painting is a great way of accomplishing this. It doesn't matter what style your home is, be it modern, classical or Victorian there is an oil painting that will fit your style. With the explosion of galleries, online art websites and auction houses the chances of not finding the perfect piece of art for your home is nearly impossible today.
Understanding colors and layout of the room - When looking at the room make note of the wall space. Is there enough room to hang the painting, are the walls mostly windows? What are the colors of the walls, will they make the painting standout? Each room is different, the family room is a place where the family congregates and usually watches TV or other activities. So a relaxing or serene painting might not fit into this type of room. Take in the room in, look at the color, the furniture, the lighting and use this information to determine what type of painting would be right for the room.
Room style - The furniture in the room defines your style for that room. Is the room modern, Victorian or traditional. Choosing a Modern Oil Paintings and placing it in the modern will not have the desired effect. The painting you choose should complement the room and the room should complement the painting. The painting you choose should enhance and complete the room's style.
Room color - There are so many paint colors on the market today that many people have changed their wall color to one of these fancy new wall colors. Choosing a painting that consists of many colors and hanging it on a colorful wall the painting will most likely get lost. Using neutral colors in a room will allow your painting to standout. Neutral colors are in the family of whites and tans. Using these colors will allow your painting to "pop" on the wall. Before changing the color on the wall take a photo of painting and use it to see what the painting would look like on the wall in the room. This will help you make a decision on the wall color and the painting you choose.
Painting size - Many people make the mistake of purchasing a painting that is either too small or too large for the room. Oil paintings are much different than prints, posters or any other type of medium, to appreciate an oil painting, artists normally paint them on a larger scale. These paintings need to be viewed from a distance to be appreciated. When acquiring an oil painting make sure the wall size is large enough to fit the oil painting. You need to have enough space around the painting for the artwork to look proportionally correct.
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