Sunday, April 13, 2014

Effective Suit manufacture

I admit to being guilty of bandying about the negative statistics concerning the raising of farm factory animals for the sole purpose of making the case that animal consumption is a blight on our environment as well as a major contributor to world hunger and other humanitarian issues. I also try not to miss touching on the issue of health, since it is pretty clear that an animal based diet is one of the surest ways to become a heart attack, cancer, stroke, or diabetes statistic.

Sometimes however, in my most intuitive moments, I realize that if vegetarianism is a movement, then many times my maneuvering of statistics can in the long run become counterproductive. The highest purpose for the eradication of farm factories is not the environment, nor the overall health of the human race but because it is the cruelest system imaginable and responsible for the barbaric torture of innocent animals for profit.

If the movement to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle focuses more on environmental woes, as opposed to keeping the main focus on the barbaric treatment of our animal friends, then even if we win many battles and get the word out at record pace the result might very well be merely a tapering off of animal consumption in the same way that we tend to be more careful about our automobile driving in a gas crisis. This would cut down on the sheer volume of animals raised and slaughtered for consumption but it would not eradicate the farm factories heinous brutality nor the plight of innocent animals caught in this web of torture.

Another great danger would be that when many farm factories were forced to shut down due to less demand for their product, the ones that remained would certainly feel the need to dream up new ways to pad the bottom line. Profit is and always will be the only issue no matter what commodity is being exploited, even if that commodity is an animal with a heart and soul and a great desire to live, care for its offspring, and to thrive and grow in surroundings that are compatible with a natural habitat. The profit margins will never be allowed to suffer for the sake of humane practices, especially if there is no regulation or enforcement in place. How much more would this be true when the surviving farm factories had to tighten their proverbial belts because of economic survival of the fittest..
Related reading:Suit manufacture stainless steel pendant fashion leather bags CO2 sensor module

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